Gatherer's Guild, The |
February, 2007 |
Stand Alone |
Short Story |
Michael Jones of SFsite.com writes "Larry Niven turns his attention towards the United States government, in 'The Gatherer's Guild.' Or rather, to the numerous secretive departments of the IRS, who possess technology and privileges beyond imagining."
Dark Energies |
January, 2009 |
Stand Alone |
Short Story |
Volume 2 of Thrilling Wonder Stories, while not an official Star Trek product, is full of authors who have written for and about the show over the years, including David Gerrold, Norman Spinrad, and Harlan Ellison.
Passing Perry Crater Base, Time Uncertain |
January, 2009 |
Stand Alone |
Short Story |
A short tale that asks the profound question, "why would intelligent tool users abandon their moon?"
Escape from Hell |
February, 2009 |
Inferno |
Short Story |
Collaboration with Jerry Pournelle, the duo's sequel to Inferno
Doubling Rate |
January, 2010 |
Stand Alone |
Short Story |
Inspired by the artwork of Lisa Snellings
Betelgeuse |
March, 2010 |
Stand Alone |
Short Story |
Inspired by the artwork of Lisa Snellings
Artists, The |
March, 2010 |
Draco Tavern |
Short Story |
Inspired by the artwork of Lisa Snellings
Gates (Variations) |
July, 2010 |
Stand Alone |
Short Story |
Appears in Gateways, an anthology tribute to Fred Pohl.
After Mecca |
August, 2010 |
Stand Alone |
Short Story |
A political dialog between a President and a reporter, huddled in a bomb shelter two days after the terrorist nuclear attack
Cadet Amelia |
August, 2010 |
N/A |
Short Story |
What good is any home, whether on Earth or in space, without cats?
Cat Toy |
August, 2010 |
Magic Universe |
Short Story |
A researcher in Antarctica comes across a magician trapped in an eternal came of cat-and-mouse.
Safe Harbor |
August, 2010 |
Draco Tavern |
Short Story |
Rick Schumann talks to some alien pirates who have a very good reason to want to steal a Chirpsithra liner.
Boys and Girls Together |
August, 2010 |
Stand Alone |
Short Story |
Niven explores an idea hinted at in "Fly-By-Night." What if parents could stop their children from growing up? How long before society was changed irrevocably?
Flare Weed, The |
April, 2011 |
Draco Tavern |
Short Story |
A customer at the Draco Tavern tells a story of a life form with a very intermittent lifestyle and specialized environmental needs, leading Rick Schumann to wonder about Earth's future.
Far End, The |
September, 2012 |
Stand Alone |
Short Story |
The Last Story of Poul Anderson's Time Patrol
Man in the Pink Shirt, The |
November, 2012 |
Svetz |
Short Story |
A light-hearted and very short story in the vein of Return of William Proxmire, The
Dial At Random |
January, 2014 |
Flash Crowd/Teleportation |
Short Story |
In the early days of teleportation, a lot of bugs remained to be worked out. A prequel to Red Tide
God Walks Into A Bar |
September, 2014 |
Draco Tavern |
Short Story |
Like the title says. Rick come into contact with an all-knowing, all-powerful being and must quickly discern its nature. After all, he has customers to serve.
Closing Sale |
May, 2015 |
Draco Tavern |
Short Story |
When a transit strike in space causes a pile-up of ships in orbit around the moon, the Draco Tavern benefits from the glut of customers. But at what cost?
Story Night At The Stronghold |
July, 2016 |
N/A |
Short Story |
Written with Jerry Pournelle. A short-story sequel to Lucifer's Hammer