
Compiled by David Lambert and Carol Phillips

Opus No. Title Datesort descending Setting Publication type I.U.C. Notes
Passing Perry Crater Base, Time Uncertain January, 2009 Stand Alone Short Story A short tale that asks the profound question, "why would intelligent tool users abandon their moon?"
On July 20th, 1969... July, 2009 N/A Essay A brief blog entry on, recounting Larry's memories of Apollo 11 Read It
Strange Light March, 2010 N/A Collection Chapbook. Three new stories based on the paintings and sculpture of Lisa Snellings-Clark, including a Draco Tavern story. Limited to 1000 copies. Contents: Doubling Rate Artists, The Betelgeuse
After Mecca August, 2010 Stand Alone Short Story A political dialog between a President and a reporter, huddled in a bomb shelter two days after the terrorist nuclear attack
Larry Niven Interview by Brenda Cooper in 2000 AD August, 2010 N/A Interview Cooper asks Niven what the next iconic year will be and what will it hold for us, now that 2001 has passed.
Hooking the Reader August, 2010 The Ghetto Essay Niven writes briefly on how he has grown as a writer over the years. "I think I'm getting better at this," he winks.
Inconstant Moon Has Passed August, 2010 N/A Essay Hiking by the light of the brightest full moon in centuries reminds Niven of his award-winning short story Inconstant Moon  
Cadet Amelia August, 2010 N/A Short Story What good is any home, whether on Earth or in space, without cats?
Cat Toy August, 2010 Magic Universe Short Story A researcher in Antarctica comes across a magician trapped in an eternal came of cat-and-mouse.
Safe Harbor August, 2010 Draco Tavern Short Story Rick Schumann talks to some alien pirates who have a very good reason to want to steal a Chirpsithra liner.
Boys and Girls Together August, 2010 Stand Alone Short Story Niven explores an idea hinted at in "Fly-By-Night." What if parents could stop their children from growing up? How long before society was changed irrevocably?
Stars and Gods August, 2010 N/A Anthology A collection of excerpts from Niven's short stories and novels from approx 2004 - 2010. Each selection is accompanied by a brief introduction. Contents: Excerpt from Ringworld's Children Excerpt from Rainbow Mars Excerpt from Escape from Hell Excerpt from Burning Tower Excerpt from Building Harlequin's Moon Excerpt from Fleet of Worlds Excerpt from Juggler of Worlds Excerpt from Beowulf's Children Excerpt from Achilles' Choice Svetz and the Beanstalk Choosing Names Fly-By-Night Hunting Park, The After Mecca Cadet Amelia Cat Toy Chicxulub Gatherer's Guild, The Solipsist at Dinner, The Boys and Girls Together Travelers Rocket Men Wet Mars (Larry Niven Talks Terraforming) Where Next, Columbus? Choosing Life Free Floaters Finding Myself Missing Mass, The Safe Harbor Hooking the Reader Larry Niven Interview by Brenda Cooper in 2000 AD Food Story for the Con Jose Program Book Inconstant Moon Has Passed
Flare Weed, The April, 2011 Draco Tavern Short Story A customer at the Draco Tavern tells a story of a life form with a very intermittent lifestyle and specialized environmental needs, leading Rick Schumann to wonder about Earth's future.
God Walks Into A Bar September, 2014 Draco Tavern Short Story Like the title says. Rick come into contact with an all-knowing, all-powerful being and must quickly discern its nature. After all, he has customers to serve.
Closing Sale May, 2015 Draco Tavern Short Story When a transit strike in space causes a pile-up of ships in orbit around the moon, the Draco Tavern benefits from the glut of customers. But at what cost?
