Opus No. Title Date Setting Publication typesort descending I.U.C. Notes
Ssoroghod's People December, 2001 Draco Tavern Short Story D.T. 13 Draco Tavern maybe we should go to Mars after all?
Choosing Life January, 2002 Christa Short Story Collaboration, co-written with Brenda Cooper
Convergence of the Old Mind, The August, 2002 Draco Tavern Short Story D.T. 15 Draco Tavern a new meaning to the phrase "gathering one's thoughts."
Chrysalis September, 2002 Draco Tavern Short Story D.T. 16 Draco Tavern aliens with severely arrested development--for good reason
Ones Who Stay Home, The January, 2003 Draco Tavern Short Story D.T. 21 Draco Tavern
Death Addict, The May, 2003 Draco Tavern Short Story D.T. 17 Draco Tavern We've all met guys like him.
Integral Trees, The (Omnibus) August, 2003 The State: The Smoke Ring Short Story Omnibus of two novels: Integral Trees, The Smoke Ring, The
Storm Front March, 2004 Draco Tavern Short Story D.T. 18 Draco Tavern intelligent life on the sun
Chicxulub May, 2004 Magic Universe Short Story A new short story involving magic, Mana and a dragon for fans of the "Magic Goes Away" universe. The "Magic Universe" explanation for the Chicxulub crater.
Boomerang June, 2004 Magic Universe Short Story Warlock-era short story set in Australia and Siberia
Rhinemaidens January, 2005 Magic Universe Short Story A fisherman encounters the mermaids living near Castle Minterl.
Breeding Maze September, 2005 Draco Tavern Short Story D.T. 22 Draco Tavern he's a Joker, a smoker, a midnight toker... sure don't wanna hurt no one…
Hunting Park, The October, 2005 Known Space: Man-Kzin Wars Short Story A team of Kzinti study humanity's origins by touring an African hunting park under the guise of a group of tourists on safari.
Slow Ones, The December, 2005 Draco Tavern Short Story D.T. 19 Surf a glacier with The Slow Ones!
Playhouse January, 2006 Draco Tavern Short Story D.T. 23 The Draco Tavern plays host to some exuberant alien children.
Lost January, 2006 Draco Tavern Short Story D.T. 24 Rick Schumann accepts an offer to take a quick joyride with an alien, unaware that Vanayn is a time-traveller with a hit-or-miss approach to navigation..
Losing Mars January, 2006 Draco Tavern Short Story D.T. 25 Rick Schumann faces the possiblity that aliens may claim Mars as their property, and there's nothing humanity can do about it.
Playground Earth January, 2008 Draco Tavern Short Story D.T. 26 In the wake of the terrorist bombing of the Draco Tavern, Rick Schumann faces a planet that's suddenly anti-alien. But the aliens are here to stay...
Solipsist at Dinner, The May, 2006 Stand Alone Short Story A short meditation on the nature of solipsism and how it relates to human aging.
Terror Bard, The February, 2007 Stand Alone Short Story Collaboration, co-written with Brenda Cooper. Distant sequel to Kath and Quicksilver  
