Opus No. Title Date Setting Publication typesort descending I.U.C. Notes
23 Handicapped, The December, 1967 Known Space Short Story K.S. 26 (2647) Grogs, a.k.a. "Handicap"
24 Slowboat Cargo February, 1968 Known Space Short Story A Gift from Earth serialization
25 Deceivers, The April, 1968 Known Space Short Story K.S. 09 (2113) a.k.a. "Intent to Deceive"
27 Grendel April, 1968 Known Space Short Story K.S. 27 (2648) At one point, Emil is referred to as "Jilson," a name from Handicapped, The  
28 Dry Run May, 1968 Stand Alone Short Story A crime story with a metaphysical twist
29 Deadlier Weapon, The June, 1968 Stand Alone Short Story A crime story, not Science Fiction.  A frequently asked question: "Is this a true story?" Answer: No.
30 There is a Tide June, 1968 Known Space Short Story K.S. 34 (2830) First appearance of Louis Wu and his "sabbaticals," as well as Trinocs.
31 Wait it Out July, 1968 Known Space Short Story K.S. 03 (1989) Harlan Ellison called this a "new wave" story.
32 For a Foggy Night July, 1968 Stand Alone Short Story stand-alone
33 Like Banquo's Ghost August, 1968 Stand Alone Short Story stand-alone
35 Meddler, The October, 1968 Stand Alone Short Story A science-fiction noir crime mash-up
36 All the Myriad Ways October, 1968 Time Travel/Parallel Universe Short Story Niven's take on divergent timelines
37 Organleggers, The January, 1969 Known Space: Gil Hamilton Short Story K.S. 10 (2123) First Gil Hamilton story, featuring Luke Garner as Gil's boss. A.k.a. "Death By Ecstasy"
39 Not Long Before the End April, 1969 Magic Universe: Warlock Short Story W. 01 First Warlock story  
46 Unfinished Story December, 1969 Magic Universe: Warlock Short Story W. 02 A Short short story, later renamed "Unfinished Story #1."
42 Passerby December, 1969 N/A Short Story Léshy Circuit
44 Misspelled Magician, The May, 1970 Stand Alone Short Story Collaboration, co-written with David Gerrold, a.k.a. "The Misspelled Magishun" expanded as Flying Sorcerers, The
47 Leviathan! August, 1970 Sveltz Short Story s. 2 Svetz meets Moby Dick
45 Bird in the Hand October, 1970 Sveltz Short Story s. 3 Svetz, cars and Rocs. Niven's published bibliographies mistakenly list the publication year as 1969, not 1970.
49 There's a Wolf in My Time Machine June, 1971 Svetz Short Story s. 4 Svetz meets a new pet
