The Kzinti play a minor role in the Star Trek universe as well. This is due in part to their appearance in an episode of animated Star Trek from the 1970s.

Script by Larry Niven
This page has grown from numerous requests for information about the Kzinti featured in this episode. I hope that this episode has "converted" many a star trek fan to the writings of Larry Niven when they happened upon it by chance.
The Kzin have been immortalized as part of cartoon history in the Animated Version of Star Trek which was released in the seventies. If this series is currently re-running in your area - it is worth checking this episode out if only to laugh at the pink-spacesuit clad kzinti.
If the series isn't running in your area, or you can't wait to see this little gem, Amazon do stock the title. ---> click the video cover right.
The script of course was modified by Larry to incorporate the Star Trek characters and instead of Jason and Anne-Marie Papandreou we have Lt. Sulu and Lt. Uhura, and instead of the puppeteer, Nessus we have Mr Spock taking the part.
Strange as it sounds, this does actually work out quite well. The episode also features a wonderful piece of Federation Technology which even by the time of the latest TNG films, Starfleet have not adopted: a belt that puts out its own force field doubling as a spacesuit..