Opus No. Title Date Setting Publication type I.U.C.sort descending Notes
Bulletin Symposium: The Worst Mistake You Ever Made January, 1989 N/A Non-Fiction Article about why Niven considers "The Ethics of Madness" a failed story.
174 Criticism January, 1989 The Ghetto Short Story essay on critics and criticism
176 Return of William Proxmire, The January, 1989 Time Travel/Parallel Universe Short Story Shown to Robert Heinlein a few weeks before his death
Ringworld Retrospective April, 1989 N/A Non-Fiction Like the title says. A look back at the impact of Ringworld.
171 Murder of Halley's Comet, The May, 1989 The Fleet The Fleet Collaboration, co-written with David Drake
Read This May, 1989 N/A Essay Review of Deep Time: The Journey of a Single Sub-Atomic Particle from the Moment of Creation to the Death of the Universe--and Beyond, by David Darlin
175 Man-Kzin Wars II August, 1989 Known Space: Man-Kzin Wars Anthology Anthology edited by Larry Niven and James Baen, with a new introduction by Niven
Introduction to Man-Kzin Wars II August, 1989 N/A Introduction Like the title says
166 Portrait of Daryanree the King, The September, 1989 Magic Universe Short Story First American rights unsold. Sent to Argos. Argos collapsed. Antho rights promised to Susan Shwartz for Arabesques III. Sold to Titan Books (England).
172 Barsoom Project, The September, 1989 Dream Park Novel Collaboration, co-written with Steven Barnes.  Sequel to Dream Park
Response to "The New Generation Gap" September, 1989 N/A Essay Invited response to "The New Generation Gap: A Study of SF Writers' Ages of Professional Entry into the Science Fiction Field for Six Decades of SF", by Kathryn Cramer, which was published in The New York Review of Science Fiction #11, July 1989. Appears alongside essays on "The New Generation Gap" by Clarke, Delaney, Dickson, Leiber, Brin and others.
Read This November, 1989 N/A Essay Review of The Boat of a Million Years, by Poul Anderson
Avogadro's World January, 1990 Stand Alone Short Story Collaboration with Jerry Pournelle and Wendy All, never completed.
Ghost Ships, The January, 1990 The State: The Smoke Ring Novel rejected sequel to The Smoke Ring... novel of strange supernova-born life-forms
Mom and the Kids March, 1990 The Fleet Short Story Collaboration, co-written with David Drake
Blind Alleys April, 1990 N/A Non-Fiction Article about "a handful of mistakes" that writers have made, which "stupid people would never think of."
Dramatis Personae August, 1990 N/A Non-Fiction Who's Who in Niven's career
Foreword: Playgrounds for the Mind August, 1990 N/A Non-Fiction Introduction to N-Space
Blowing Smoke August, 1990 N/A Non-Fiction A description and discussion of the Smoke Ring's origins, parameters and environment.
190 Kiteman, The August, 1990 The State: The Smoke Ring Short Story short story set in the Smoke Ring
