Opus No. Title Datesort descending Setting Publication type I.U.C. Notes
Convergence of the Old Mind, The August, 2002 Draco Tavern Short Story D.T. 15 Draco Tavern a new meaning to the phrase "gathering one's thoughts."
Free Floaters August, 2002 Walker & Keenan Novella Collaboration, co-written with Brenda Cooper. Sequel to Ice and Mirrors
Chrysalis September, 2002 Draco Tavern Short Story D.T. 16 Draco Tavern aliens with severely arrested development--for good reason
Niven's Laws, 2002 November, 2002 N/A Non-Fiction Read It! Update of Niven's Laws
Hugo Award Anecdotes January, 2003 N/A Non-Fiction for use at the Hugo ceremonies, 1996
Introduction to Peter Hamilton story January, 2003 N/A Introduction a discussion of sci-fi-mystery
Canon for the Man-Kzin Wars January, 2003 Known Space: About Non-Fiction Like the title says
Epilogue: What I Tell Librarians January, 2003 N/A Non-Fiction essay on reading sci-fi
Ones Who Stay Home, The January, 2003 Draco Tavern Short Story D.T. 21 Draco Tavern
Introduction: Where Do I Get My Crazy Ideas? January, 2003 N/A Introduction Introduction to Scatterbrain
Ice and Mirrors Papers, The January, 2003 N/A Non-Fiction E-mail discussion with Brenda Cooper tracing the process of their collaboration Ice and Mirrors  
Telepresence January, 2003 N/A Non-Fiction with Marvin Minsky 8.8.97 at the CACNSP meeting, Tarzana
Scatterbrain January, 2003 N/A Non-Fiction essay on the ISS
Learning to Love the Space Station January, 2003 N/A Non-Fiction essay on the ISS
168 Autograph Ettiquette January, 2003 The Ghetto Non-Fiction 600 words of tips for writers and seekers. Note: The Bibliography in Bridging the Galaxies implies that this essay appeared sometime in the late 1980s, but no actual publication information is listed. We've listed it here as appearing in Scatterbrain until another citation surfaces.-ED
Handicap January, 2003 N/A Non-Fiction essay on the concept of "handicap"
Did the Moon Move for You Too? January, 2003 N/A Non-Fiction brief essay on hypothetical attempts at mating in orbit
Scatterbrain January, 2003 N/A Collection Collection Info Niven's career from 1990 to 2003. Contents: Excerpt from Destiny's Road Excerpt from The Ringworld Throne Excerpt from The Burning City with Jerry Pournelle Excerpt from Saturn's Race with Steven Barnes Introduction: Where Do I Get My Crazy Ideas? Woman in Del Rey Crater, The Loki Procrustes How to Save Civilization and Make a Little Money Ice and Mirrors Ice and Mirrors Papers, The Smut Talk Telepresence Learning to Love the Space Station Autograph Ettiquette Tabletop Fusion Collaborations Intercon Trip Report: August 12, 1991 Handicap Did the Moon Move for You Too? Hugo Award Anecdotes Introduction to Man-Kzin Wars II Canon for the Man-Kzin Wars Epilogue: What I Tell Librarians Mars: Who Needs It? Introduction to Peter Hamilton story
Death Addict, The May, 2003 Draco Tavern Short Story D.T. 17 Draco Tavern We've all met guys like him.
Integral Trees, The (Omnibus) August, 2003 The State: The Smoke Ring Short Story Omnibus of two novels: Integral Trees, The Smoke Ring, The
